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Quantifying Macroinvertebrate Responses to Instream habitat Restoration: Applications of Meta-Analysis to River Restoration
Restoration Ecology (2010)
  • Phaedra Budy, Utah State University
The assumption that restoring physical habitat heterogeneity will increase biodiversity underlies many river restoration projects, despite few tests of the hypothesis. With over 6,000 in-stream habitat enhancement projects implemented in the last decade at a cost exceeding $1 billion, there is a clear need to assess the consistency of responses, as well as factors explaining project performance. We adopted an alternative approach to individual case-studies by applying meta-analysis to quantify macroinvertebrate responses to in-stream habitat restoration. Meta-analysis of 24 separate studies showed that increasing habitat heterogeneity had significant, positive effects on macroinvertebrate richness, although density increases were negligible...
  • Quantifying,
  • Macroinvertebrate,
  • Responses,
  • Instream,
  • Habitat,
  • Restoration,
  • Meta-Analysis,
  • River
Publication Date
Citation Information
Miller, S.W., P. Budy, and J.C. Schmidt. 2010. Quantifying macroinvertebrate responses to in-­‐ stream habitat restoration: applications of meta-­‐analysis to river restoration. Restoration Ecology 18:8-­‐19.