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PL-1 Church Related Research with a Mission
Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship
  • Petr Činčala, Andrews University
Presenter Status
Assistant Professor in Research and Missiology
Preferred Session
Oral Session
Buller Hall Newbold Auditorium
Start Date
21-10-2022 12:30 PM
End Date
21-10-2022 2:00 PM
Presentation Abstract

Petr Činčala, PhD, MSW, MDiv, Associate professor in research and missiology, Doctor of Missiology Program, Director, Institute of Church Ministry A brief look into the personal journey of Petr’s involvement with Human Subject Research followed by examples of the research projects the General Conference as well as the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist is currently interested in. Space for questions and discussion about the role, scope, and use of human subject denominational research. Petr Činčala serves as the Director of the Institute of Church Ministry and Doctor of Missiology program at Andrews University’s Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. He heads the office of U.S. national partner for NCD (Natural Church Development). As freelance missionary he had developed a model for reaching unreached Czech atheists.

Citation Information
Petr Činčala. "PL-1 Church Related Research with a Mission" (2022)
Available at: