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Stream Restoration in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments (2012)
  • Peter Richard Wilcock
A stronger science base for stream restoration practice will require a more active and productive collaboration between the research and practice communities. The shared goal is a practice based on an explicit, rational connection between cause and effect, linking objective and action in a predictive, testable framework, providing the basis for evaluating tradeoffs, incorporating uncertainty, and learning from doing. This review identifies areas in which the research community can play a more useful role in contributing to the assessment and design of streams. With a closer understanding of the constraints and challenges of stream design, the research community can develop predictive models into accessible, robust, and relevant tools. Multi-dimensional morphodynamic models can play a particularly useful role in developing reliable and accessible design charts for those engaged in stream restoration practice. A professional stream restoration practice must be developed within a decision analysis framework. Collaboration with those in decision science will allow geomorphologists and engineers to better identify and address problems that are relevant to stream restoration practice.
Publication Date
Michael Church, Pascale M. Biron and André G. Roy
John Wiley & Sons
Citation Information
Peter Richard Wilcock. "Stream Restoration in Gravel-Bed Rivers" Chichester, UKGravel-Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments (2012)
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