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Making Sense of Nanocrystal Lattice Fringes
Journal of Applied Physics
  • P. Fraundorf, University of Missouri - St Louis
  • Wentao Qin, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
  • Peter Moeck, Portland State University
  • Eric Mandell, University of Missouri - St Louis
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Nanostructured materials,
  • Nanotechnology,
  • Transmission electron microscopes,
  • Crystals -- Defects

The orientation dependence of thin-crystal lattice fringes can be gracefully quantified using fringe-visibility maps, a direct-space analog of Kikuchi maps [Nishikawa and Kikuchi, Nature (London) 121, 1019 (1928)]. As in navigation of reciprocal space with the aid of Kikuchi lines, fringe-visibility maps facilitate acquisition of crystallographic information from lattice images. In particular, these maps can help researchers to determine the three-dimensional lattice of individual nanocrystals, to 'fringe-fingerprint' collections of randomly oriented particles, and to measure local specimen thickness with only a modest tilt. Since the number of fringes in an image increases with maximum spatial-frequency squared, these strategies (with help from more precise goniometers) will be more useful as aberration correction moves resolutions into the subangstrom range.


Originally appeared in Journal of Applied Physics, volume 98., and may be found at

© 2005 American Institute of Physics

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Citation Information
Fraundorf, P., Wentao Qin, Peter Moeck, and Eric Mandell. "Making sense of nanocrystal lattice fringes." Journal of applied physics 98, no. 11 (2005): 114308.