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Free Subgroups with Torsion Quotients and Profinite Subgroups with Torus Quotients
Mathematics Faculty Publications
  • Wayne Lewis, University of Hawaii
  • Peter Loth, Sacred Heart University
  • Adolf Mader, University of Hawaii
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

Here “group” means abelian group. Compact connected groups contain δ-subgroups, that is, compact totally disconnected subgroups with torus quotients, which are essential ingredients in the important Resolution Theorem, a description of compact groups. Dually, full free subgroups of discrete torsion-free groups of finite rank are studied in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the abundance of δ-subgroups of a protorus. Associated concepts are also considered.


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Citation Information

Lewis, W., Loth, P., & Mader, A. (2020). Free subgroups with torsion quotients and profinite subgroups with torus quotients. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova, 144, 177-195. Doi: 10.4171/RSMUP/64