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Public opinion about climate change in the US: Results from a 2019 national survey
  • Peter D Howe, Utah State University
  • Brittany S. Shield
  • Casey Trout
This report describes the results of a national survey conducted 2 July 2019 – 22 July 2019 from 3,269 adults (age 18+) in the U.S. We find that most Americans have heard about climate change adaptation and most support adaptation efforts by local government. Although concern about extreme weather in local communities is split, nearly half of respondents think their community members will be harmed by extreme weather in the next five years. A majority of respondents are confident that they can prepare themselves for extreme weather, but a majority also doubt that their local government can prepare their community for extreme weather.
  • climate change,
  • public opinion,
  • adaptation
Publication Date
December 1, 2019
Citation Information
Peter D Howe, Brittany S. Shield and Casey Trout. "Public opinion about climate change in the US: Results from a 2019 national survey" (2019)
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