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ICC-dementia (International Centenarian Consortium - dementia): an international consortium to determine the prevalence and incidence of dementia in centenarians across diverse ethnoracial and sociocultural groups
BMC Neurology
  • Henry Brodaty, The University of New South Wales
  • Claudia Woolf, The University of New South Wales
  • Stacy Andersen, Boston University
  • Nir Barzilai, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Carol Brayne, Cambridge University
  • Karen Siu-Lan Cheung, The University of Hong Kong
  • Maria M. Corrada, University of California Irvine
  • John D. Crawford, The University of New South Wales
  • Catriona Daly, The University of New South Wales
  • Yasuyuki Gondo, Osaka University
  • Bo Hagberg, Gerontology Research Centre
  • Nobuyoshi Hirose, Keio University School of Medicine
  • Henne Holstege, VU University Medical Centre
  • Claudia Kawas, University of California Irvine
  • Jeffrey Kaye, Oregon Health and Science University
  • Nicole A. Kochan, The University of New South Wales
  • Bobo Hi-Po Lau, The University of Hong Kong
  • Ugo Lucca, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri
  • Gabriella Marcon, University of Udine
  • Peter Martin, Iowa State University
  • Leonard W. Poon, University of Georgia
  • Robyn Richmond, The University of New South Wales
  • Jean-Marie Robine, INSERM
  • Ingmar Skoog, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
  • Melissa J. Slavin, The University of New South Wales
  • Jan Szewieczek, University of Silesia
  • Mauro Tettamanti, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negr
  • José Viña, University of Valencia
  • Thomas Perls, The University of New South Wales
  • Perminder S. Sachdev, The University of New South Wales
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Considerable variability exists in international prevalence and incidence estimates of dementia. The accuracy of estimates of dementia in the oldest-old and the controversial question of whether dementia incidence and prevalence decline at very old age will be crucial for better understanding the dynamics between survival to extreme old age and the occurrence and risk for various types of dementia and comorbidities. International Centenarian Consortium – Dementia (ICC-Dementia) seeks to harmonise centenarian and near-centenarian studies internationally to describe the cognitive and functional profiles of exceptionally old individuals, and ascertain the trajectories of decline and thereby the age-standardised prevalence and incidence of dementia in this population. The primary goal of the ICC-Dementia is to establish a large and thorough heterogeneous sample that has the power to answer epidemiological questions that small, separate studies cannot. A secondary aim is to examine cohort-specific effects and differential survivorship into very old age. We hope to lay the foundation for further investigation into risk and protective factors for dementia and healthy exceptional brain ageing in centenarians across diverse ethnoracial and sociocultural groups. Methods

Studies focusing on individuals aged ≥95 years (approximately the oldest 1 percentile for men, oldest 5th percentile for women), with a minimum sample of 80 individuals, including assessment of cognition and functional status, are invited to participate. There are currently seventeen member or potential member studies from Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. Initial attempts at harmonising key variables are in progress. Discussion

General challenges facing large, international consortia like ICC-Dementia include timely and effective communication among member studies, ethical and practical issues relating to human subject studies and data sharing, and the challenges related to data harmonisation. A specific challenge for ICC-Dementia relates to the concept and definition of’abnormal’ in this exceptional group of individuals who are rarely free of physical, sensory and/or cognitive impairments.


This article is published as Brodaty, Henry, Claudia Woolf, Stacy Andersen, Nir Barzilai, Carol Brayne, Karen Siu-Lan Cheung, Maria M. Corrada et al. "ICC-dementia (International Centenarian Consortium-dementia): an international consortium to determine the prevalence and incidence of dementia in centenarians across diverse ethnoracial and sociocultural groups." BMC neurology 16, no. 1 (2016): 52. doi:10.1186/s12883-016-0569-4. Posted with permission.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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The Authors
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Citation Information
Henry Brodaty, Claudia Woolf, Stacy Andersen, Nir Barzilai, et al.. "ICC-dementia (International Centenarian Consortium - dementia): an international consortium to determine the prevalence and incidence of dementia in centenarians across diverse ethnoracial and sociocultural groups" BMC Neurology Vol. 16 Iss. 52 (2016)
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