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Operational Mechanics for Proposed EOIR Headquarters-Led Docket Review and Refresh
American Immigration Lawyers Association (2021)
  • Peter L. Markowitz, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
  • Mauricio Noroña, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
This memorandum is intended as a follow up to two memos proposing a review and refresh of Executive Office of Immigration Review’s (“EOIR”) docket during the incoming administration’s contemplated deportation moratorium period. The purpose of this memorandum is to propose specific operational steps EOIR can take to implement the systematic review and refresh of the EOIR docket proposed in the Chen & Markowitz Memorandum, in a manner that will promote efficient and effective implementation while minimizing litigation exposure. The analysis and policy justifications set forth in that previous memorandum are not repeated herein and familiarity with its contents is presumed. 
Publication Date
January 8, 2021
Citation Information
Peter L. Markowitz and Mauricio Noroña. "Operational Mechanics for Proposed EOIR Headquarters-Led Docket Review and Refresh" American Immigration Lawyers Association (2021)
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