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The Effects of Ruralism and Sexual Orientation on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Retrospective Glance
ASA Annual Conference
  • Karla B. Moore, Marshall University
  • Keith Beard, Marshall University
  • Penny Koontz, ., Marshall University
  • April Fugett, Marshall University
Participation Type
Session Title
Session 3.09 Poster Session
Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Considerable research has demonstrated that adolescents, as a whole, are experimenting with alcohol at alarming rates. However, research is very mixed on findings identifying which groups of adolescents tend to be most at risk for using alcohol as well as the reasons that these groups identify for such experimentation. The current study will examine participants from four groups, Rural-Heterosexual, Rural-Sexual Minority, Urban-Heterosexual, and Urban-Sexual Minority, in a retrospective manner. Participants (ages 18 and over) from each group will answer questions on a survey designed by the researcher (adapted from the AUDIT, the CRAFFT, the DMQR, the YAP, and the LDH) regarding past and present alcohol use. Participants will access the survey online on Amazon Mechanical Turk (M-Turk) and will be compensated accordingly. Participants will also be recruited from introductory Marshall University Psychology courses as well as the Marshall University LAMBDA society. Finally, researchers will attend the Columbus Pride Festival and Parade on the weekend of June 20th, 2014 in order to obtain participants for the current study. Findings from the survey will be analyzed to determine which group is most likely to use alcohol during adolescence, whether each group tends to acknowledge external or internal motives for alcohol use, and which group is most likely to currently use alcohol. The current study is being performed in order to further our understanding of alcohol use in adolescence and possibly give aim for intervention strategies which could potentially target adolescents who identify with groups who are found to be most “at-risk”.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Karla B. Moore is a student in the psychology doctoral program at Marshall University. She is from a rural region in Southeastern Ohio and is interested in exploring various factors influencing adolescent substance use.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Dr. Keith Beard is the Associate Psy. D. director, clinic director, and a professor in the psychology department at Marshall University. His research interests include psychotherapy with adults, adolescents, and children, Assessment (personality and vocational career), specialty in sexuality issues, religion and psychology, and maladaptive use of technology.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Dr. Penny Koontz is an Associate Professor in the psychology department at Marshall University. Her research interests include the delivery of mental health services to underserved populations, addiction, the psychological correlates of obesity, and geropsychology.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Dr. April Fugett is an Assistant Professor in the psychology department at Marshall University. Her research interests include technology, language, reading comprehension, memory, and the influence of popular culture in terms of cognition.

Citation Information
Karla B. Moore, Keith Beard, Penny Koontz and April Fugett. "The Effects of Ruralism and Sexual Orientation on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Retrospective Glance" (2014)
Available at: