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Opening Session and Welcome
Chicago Catholic Immigrants Conference
  • Dr. Mark Bosco, SJ, Loyola University Chicago
  • Dr. John Pelissero, Loyola University Chicago
  • Dr. Thomas J. Regan S.J., Loyola University Chicago
  • Mr. Bernardo Mendez-Lugo, Consulate General of Mexico
Coffey Hall - McCormick Lounge
Start Date
7-11-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
7-11-2014 9:30 AM

a) Dr. Mark Bosco, S.J., Director, The Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage

Mark Bosco, S.J., holds a joint position in English and Theology. His teaching and research interests include the intersection of theological discourse and literature, especially in light of the 20th century Catholic literary tradition. He has written on Graham Greene and Flannery O'Connor, as well as on the aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar.

b) Dr. John Pelissero, Provost, Loyola University Chicago

John P. Pelissero is Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Loyola University Chicago. He is also a Professor of Political Science at Loyola, where he has been a member of the faculty for 29 years. He served as Chairperson of the Department of Political Science from 1999-2002. He became the university's Associate Provost for Curriculum Development in 2003. From 2005-2010 he was Vice Provost in the Division of Academic Affairs. He was named Provost in May 2010.

c) Dr. Tom Regan, S.J., Interim Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, Loyola University Chicago.

Father Regan entered the Society of Jesus in 1976 and was ordained a priest in 1987. In 2003, he was appointed to a six year term as Provincial of the New England Province of the Society of Jesus. Prior to coming to Loyola, he taught philosophy as a visiting professor at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles (2010) and at Fordham University in New York (2010-2011). He currently serves as the Interim Dean for the College of Arts & Sciences at Loyola University Chicago.

d) Mr. Bernardo Méndez-Lugo, Director of Immigration Affairs, Consulate General of Mexico

Ocupation: I am in charge of Documentation including Passports, Consular ID, Power of Attorney for personal Issues or companies doing business in México, Civil Registration For Mexican Citizens and Visas for any Foreign Citizens wishing to visit México as Tourists, Business trips, Investors and retiring in Mexico.

Citation Information
Dr. Mark Bosco, SJ, Dr. John Pelissero, Dr. Thomas J. Regan S.J. and Mr. Bernardo Mendez-Lugo. "Opening Session and Welcome" (2014)
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