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Asian Americans, Political Organizations, and Participation in Chicago Electoral Precincts
Urban Affairs Review
  • John P. Pelissero, Loyola University Chicago
  • Timothy B. Krebs, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Shannon Jenkins, Loyola University Chicago
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Precinct-level data for voter registration and turnout in Chicago elections are used to assess the impact of the Asian population and party organization on political participation during the 1990s. Controlling for the effects of newer immigration, mobility, and socioeconomic status, the authors learn that larger Asian-American populations are associated with higher voter registration. Voter turnout is negatively affected in areas of higher Asian populations but attenuates when independent precincts are examined separately from machine-style precincts. This suggests that registration may be encouraged in Asian areas, but voting appears to be negatively affected by political party organizations.

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Citation Information
John P. Pelissero, Timothy B. Krebs, and Shannon Jenkins. "Asian Americans, Political Organizations, and Participation in Chicago Electoral Precincts" Urban Affairs Review Vol 35 (2000): 750-769.