The Inconvenience of a “Constitution [that] follows the flag … but doesn’t quite catch up with it”: From Downes v. Bidwell to Boumediene v. Bush
Mississippi Law Journal
Providing extensive historical, precedential and sociological context for the 2008 decision on the habeas corpus rights of detainees at Guantanamo Naval Station; includes a detailed study of the court’s references to the Insular Cases and then a detailed analysis of the original decisions an their historical and sociological context.
- Puerto Rico,
- Boumediene v. Bush,
- Insular Cases,
- Territorial Possessions,
- War on Terror
Publication Date
Fall 2010
Citation Information
Pedro A. Malavet. "The Inconvenience of a “Constitution [that] follows the flag … but doesn’t quite catch up with it”: From Downes v. Bidwell to Boumediene v. Bush" Mississippi Law Journal Vol. 80 Iss. 1 (2010) Available at: