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Multimedia environments in mathematics teacher education: Preparing regular and special educators for inclusive classrooms
Teacher Education
  • Susan De La Paz
  • Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos, Santa Clara University
  • Linda Barron
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Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

A multimedia CD-ROM program, Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Inclusive Classrooms, was produced to help preservice teachers learn mathematics teaching methods in the context of inclusive classrooms. The contents include text resources, video segments of experts and of classroom lessons, images of student work, an electronic notebook, and a tool to select content for visual presentations. Experiences using the program in undergraduate and graduate courses are reported. Overall, students liked using the CD-ROM and saw it as a valuable resource to gain exposure to expert opinions and inclusive classroom situations that would be otherwise inaccessible. A reflection on pedagogical issues surrounding the use of multimedia CD-ROMs in the teacher preparation context suggests that careful integration of high-quality resources such as this CD-ROM with traditional resources such as journal articles may offer the best experience for preservice students.

Citation Information
De La Paz, S., Hernández-Ramos, P. & Barron, L. (2004). Multimedia environments in mathematics teacher education: Preparing regular and special educators for inclusive classrooms. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 12(4), 599-613.