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Florida Criminal Law
  • Pearl Goldman
Florida Criminal Law is the first text to provide a comprehensive examination of crimes and defenses in Florida. The book seeks to describe the existing and evolving substantive rules of Florida criminal law and to convey an understanding of these rules and their applications in a variety of situations. Its 25 chapters address topics traditionally taught in criminal law courses, such as the principles of punishment and sentencing, statutory interpretation, the elements of crimes and defenses, homicide, sexual battery, inchoate crimes, and accomplice liability. The book also covers topics frequently omitted from course books, such as assault and battery, arson, burglary, kidnapping, entrapment, and permissive and mandatory presumptions. Readers will gain insights into issues unique to Florida criminal law, including the state’s Stand Your Ground Law, its Unborn Victims of Violence Act, and its attempted felony murder statute, as well as emerging areas of legislative change such as human trafficking. The book will be useful to law students and graduates studying for bar exams, academicians, legal scholars, judges, legislators, and the practicing bar. It is also suitable for use in undergraduate criminal law classes and paralegal programs. 
Publication Date
Spring March, 2016
Carolina Academic Press
Citation Information
Pearl Goldman. Florida Criminal Law. (2016)
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