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About Paulo Barreto

I was born in the city of Salvador, capital of the State of Bahia, Brazil. I obtained my BSc in Physics in 1987, received my Ph.D. degree in Engineering in 2003 and my Habilitation in Computer Engineering in 2011, all at the University of São Paulo. I worked at Unisys Brazil Ltd and Scopus Tecnologia S/A as systems software analyst and developer, and then as chief cryptographer. I joined the faculty at the Department of Computer and Digital Systems Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo in 2004 as Assistant Professor, and became Associate Professor there in 2011. I finally joined the faculty as Assistant Professor at the Institute of Technology, University of Seattle Tacoma, on September 1st, 2015.
I am one of the designers of the Whirlpool hash function (ISO/IEC 10118-3), as well as several other symmetric primitives (block ciphers, authenticated encryption modes and key derivation functions). I have co-authored extensive research work on elliptic curve cryptography and pairing-based cryptography, including efficient bilinear pairing algorithms (e.g. the BKLS and 𝜂𝑇 techniques), identity-based cryptographic protocols (e.g. the BLMQ signature and signcrytion methods), and the construction of pairing- friendly elliptic curves (e.g. the BN and BLS families of elliptic curves), many of them adopted in ISO-IEC 15946-5. More recently I have been working on efficient algorithms for quantum-resistant (also called post-quantum) cryptosystems, including code-based, lattice-based, hash-based and multivariate schemes
I have served in 23 PhD defense committees (7 of which outside Brazil) and 27 MSc defense committees since 2005. I supervised to completion 3 PhD theses (since 2010) and 8 MSc theses (since 2008). I also served in the program committees of almost 60 conferences over the past ten years, and I am a member of the Steering Committee of the Latincrypt series of conferences (whose first installment I co-chaired) and the ASCrypto series of advanced schools in cryptography. Furthermore, I am an Associated Editor of the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (since 2011), IEEE Transactions on Computers (since 2015), and IET Information Security (since 2015).


Present Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma Institute of Technology

Curriculum Vitae

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  • Undergraduate Seminar in CSS
  • Compiler Construction
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Advanced Algorithms


2011 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil ‐ Habilitation in Computer Engineering
2003 Ph.D, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil ‐ Engineering
1987 B.Sc., University of Sao Paulo, Brazil ‐ Physics

Conference Proceedings (1)

Book Chapters (1)

Articles (7)