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Differential learning outcomes for online versus in-class education
  • Danielle Armour, La Trobe University
  • Jill Blackmore, Deakin University
  • Professor Janet Clinton, The University of Melbourne
  • David R Geelan, Griffith University
  • Andrew P. Martin, The University of New South Wales
  • Sarah Prestridge, Griffith University
  • Neil Selwyn, Monash University
  • Professor Pauline Taylor-Guy, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Julian Thomas, RMIT University
  • Deborah West, Flinders University
  • Dr Anne-Marie Chase, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
This rapid research information brief synthesises the evidence on the differential learning outcomes for online versus in-class education; factors that moderate the relative effectiveness; and distinct implications for students in metropolitan, remote, rural and Indigenous communities.
  • online learning
Publication Date
May 1, 2020
Citation Information
Armour, D., Blackmore, J., Brown, N., Clinton, J., Geelan, D., Martin, A., Miller, J., Mulcahy, M., Prestridge, S., Selwyn, N., Taylor-Guy, P., Thomas, J. West, D., Wilson, R. (2020). Differential learning outcomes for online versus in-class education. Australian Academy of Science. Retrieved from