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A Tale of Two Seed Libraries: Sharing Seeds in the Academic Library
SUNYLA 2021 (Virtual) Annual Conference (2021)
  • Paulina Borrego, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Nancy Schuler, Eckerd College
  • Jenica Ibarra, Eckerd College
  • Alyssa Koclanes, Eckerd College
D3: A Tale of Two Seed Libraries: Sharing Seeds in the Academic Library
Paulina Borrego, Nancy Schuler, Jenica Ibarra, and Alyssa Koclanes
Seed libraries have been cropping up in public libraries all over the country, and now the trend is germinating on college campuses as well. A seed library may be the perfect vehicle to bring in new patrons to the library space and foster community engagement. How-to, logistics, and best practices will be examined from the perspectives of the thriving and established Mass Aggie Seed Library and the recently sprouted Eckerd Seed Library. Even with limited resources, imperfect spaces, and pandemic restrictions, a seed library can become a flourishing campus institution using an adaptive and low-key approach.
  • Seed Library,
  • Paulina Borrego,
  • Academic Seed Library,
  • How to start a seed library,
  • Mass Aggie Seed Library
Publication Date
Spring June 17, 2021
Citation Information
Paulina Borrego, Nancy Schuler, Jenica Ibarra and Alyssa Koclanes. "A Tale of Two Seed Libraries: Sharing Seeds in the Academic Library" SUNYLA 2021 (Virtual) Annual Conference (2021)
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