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Remembering Reactions and Facts: The Influence of Subsequent Information
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
  • Paula T Hertel, Trinity University
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Memory for reactions and judgments about a biographical passage was examined following the presentation of subsequent information relevant to the passage. Experiment 1 demonstrated that reaction memory shifted as a function of the type of subsequent information when 3 weeks separated it from the memory test, but not when testing was immediate or when the information was delivered just prior to the delayed test. These results were obtained again in Experiment 2 and contrasted to shifts in memory for· passage facts. Misleading factual information influenced memory for passage facts most when it was delivered just before the delayed recognition test. Similar effects occurred in Experiments 3 and 4 despite changes making the bias and test procedures for reaction and fact memory more comparable. The different ways that memories for reactions and facts are influenced by later information are discussed in terms of the loci of reaction and fact generation (internal and external).

American Psychological Association
Citation Information
Hertel, P.T. (1982). Remembering reactions and facts: The influence of subsequent information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8(6), 513-529. doi: 10.1037/0278-7393.8.6.513