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The Coming Home Program Creating a State Road Map for Affordable Assisted Living Policy, Programs, and Demonstrations
Journal of Housing for the Elderly (2005)
  • Robert Jenkens
  • Paula C. Carder, Portland State University
  • Lindsay Maher
This paper describes barriers and opportunities to creating affordable assisted living facilities for older persons eligible for Medicaid services. This information is based on the practical experiences of the Coming Home Program, a project of NCB Development Corporation (NCBDC) with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). Begun in 1992, this national program has contributed to the creation and adoption of state policies including regulations, implementation of state programs, creation of development and operational feasibility analysis tools, and the identification and structuring of financing sources. It has also fostered and supported public-private partnerships that have resulted in 31 operational affordable assisted living demonstration projects with another 73 in development.

The paper explains the need for affordable assisted living, Coming Home's definition of affordable assisted living, and the structure of the Coming Home Program. Four case studies are presented that summarize the goals and outcomes of the Coming Home Programs in Arkansas, Florida, Washington, and Vermont. The paper's conclusions provide lessons learned during the program's first twelve years and their implication for state policies and programs.
  • Long-term care facilities -- Administration,
  • Adult care facilities -- Economic aspects,
  • Medicaid,
  • Coming Home Project (Organization) -- Case studies
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Co-published simultaneously in Journal of Housing for the Elderly (The Haworth Press, Inc.) Vol. 18, No. 3/4, 2004, pp. 179-201; and: Linking Housing and Services for Older Adults: Obstacles, Options, and Opportunities (eds: Jon Pynoos, Penny Hollander Feldman, and Joann Ahrens) The Haworth Press, Inc., 2004, pp. 179-201.
Citation Information
Jenkens, R., Carder, P. C., & Maher, L. (2005). The coming home program: Creating a state road map for affordable assisted living policy, programs, and demonstrations. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 18(3-4), 179-201.