Periodic Phenomena in the Classical Adams Spectral Sequence
Mathematics and Computer Science
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We investigate certain periodic phenomena in the classical Adams spectral sequence which are related to the polynomial generators υn in π∗(ΒΡ). We define the notion of a class α in ExtΑ(Ζ/2,Ζ/2) being υn-periodic or υn-torsion and prove that classes that are υn-torsion are also υκ-torsion for all κ such that 0 ≤ κ ≤ n. This allows us to define a chromatic filtration of ExtΑ(Ζ/2,Ζ/2) paralleling the chromatic filtration of the Novikov spectral sequence Ε2-term given in [13].
Citation Information
Mark Mahowald and Paul L. Shick. "Periodic Phenomena in the Classical Adams Spectral Sequence" (1987) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/paul_shick/3/
M. Mahowald & P. L. Shick. Periodic Phenomena in the Classical Adams Spectral Sequence, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 300 (1987) pp. 191-206.
First published in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society in 300(1), published by the American Mathematical Society