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About Paul Rogers

Paul holds a B.S. and M.S. in geography from Utah State University and University of Wisconsin – Madison, respectively. His doctorate is from Utah State University in Ecology. Paul’s prime areas of study sre aspen ecology, biogeography, large-scale monitoring, and lichenology. He worked for the U.S. Forest Service for 16 years conducting monitoring activities and publishing results from the Interior West of the U.S., in eastern Europe, and East Africa. Paul’s research on lichens in aspen ecosystems has taken him around the region, as well as to Umeå University in northern Sweden. He is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Departments of Environment and Society and Wildland Resources, both at USU. As Director of the Western Aspen Alliance, he coordinates interdisciplinary efforts to increase awareness of aspen issues and current science among agency managers, as well as government and university researchers.


Present Director, Western Aspen Alliance, Utah State University Ecology Center

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