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Stable-Isotopic Composition of Precipitation Over the Northern Slope of the Central Himalaya
Journal of Glaciology
  • Shichang Kang
  • Karl J. Kreutz, University of Maine - Main
  • Paul Andrew Mayewski, University of Maine - Main
  • Dahe Qin
  • Tandong Yao
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Abstract/ Summary

Stable-water-isotope data (deltaD and delta(18)O) from three groups of samples (fresh-snow and snow-pit samples collected on Qomolangma (Mount Everest) and Xixabangma during field seasons 1997,1998 and 2001, and precipitation samples collected at Tingri station during summer 2000) are presented and used to survey the isotopic composition of precipitation over the northern slope of the central Himalaya. Multi-year snow-pit samples on Qomolangma have a local meteoric water-line (slope = 8) close to the global value. Deuterium excess (d = deltaD - 8delta(18)O) values at Tingri are much lower than those in fresh snow from Qomolangma, probably due to differences in moisture source and air-mass trajectories as well as local weather conditions. There is no obvious seasonal trend for d values in the Qomolangma region. A negative relationship exists between delta(18)O and d values in both fresh snow on Qomolangma and precipitation at Tingri. Fresh-snow samples collected from different altitudes on Xixabangma allow us to investigate the altitude effect on delta(18)O values in snow. Of four storm events, only one has an obvious altitude effect on delta(18)O variation and a very low gradient of -0.1% per 100 in elevation.

Citation/Publisher Attribution
Kang, SC, Kreutz, KJ, Mayewski, PA, Qin, DH, and Yao, TD, 2002, Stable-Isotopic Composition of Precipitation Over the Northern Slope of the Central Himalaya: Journal of Glaciology, v. 48, p. 519-526. Available on publisher's site at:
Publisher Statement
© Copyright 2002 by the International Glaciological Society
publisher's version of the published document
Citation Information
Shichang Kang, Karl J. Kreutz, Paul Andrew Mayewski, Dahe Qin, et al.. "Stable-Isotopic Composition of Precipitation Over the Northern Slope of the Central Himalaya" Journal of Glaciology Vol. 48 Iss. 163 (2002) p. 519 - 526
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