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Communication Profiles of Two Children with Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities (2014)
  • Paul Cascella, San Jose State University
  • Susan M Bruce, Boston College
  • Ellen Trief, Hunter College

This research provides detailed summaries of the diverse communication skills of two children with Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome. One participant had level III Communication Matrix skills (unconventional communication), and was pre-symbolic, pre-intentional, non-imitative, and reliant upon others to interpret her proximal actions. The other participant had level IV (conventional communication) and V (concrete symbols) Communication Matrix skills, with emerging symbolic forms, some imitation, and directedness to his proximal and distal actions. Results are discussed in comparison to other children with severe disabilities.

  • communication skills,
  • Pitt-Hopkins syndrome,
  • Severe disabilities,
  • Retrospective chart review
Publication Date
August, 2014
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Paul Cascella, Susan M Bruce and Ellen Trief. "Communication Profiles of Two Children with Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome" Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities Vol. 26 Iss. 4 (2014)
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