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Vortex creep at very low temperatures in single crystals of the extreme type-II superconductor Rh9In4S4
Ames Laboratory Accepted Manuscripts
  • Edwin Herrera, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • José Benito-Llorens, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Udhara S. Kaluarachchi, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Serguei Bud'ko, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Paul C. Canfield, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Isabel Guillamón, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Hermann Suderow, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Publication Date
Journal Title
Physical Review B

We image vortex creep at very low temperatures using scanning tunneling microscopy in the superconductor Rh9In4S4 (Tc=2.25K). We measure the superconducting gap of Rh9In4S4, finding Δ≈0.33meV, and image a hexagonal vortex lattice up to close to Hc2, observing slow vortex creep at temperatures as low as 150 mK. We estimate thermal and quantum barriers for vortex motion and show that thermal fluctuations likely cause vortex creep, in spite of being at temperatures T/Tc

Iowa State University Digital Repository, Ames IA (United States)
Citation Information
Edwin Herrera, José Benito-Llorens, Udhara S. Kaluarachchi, Serguei Bud'ko, et al.. "Vortex creep at very low temperatures in single crystals of the extreme type-II superconductor Rh9In4S4" Vol. 95 Iss. 13 (2017) p. 134505
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