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Contribution to Book
Communicative form and theological style
  • Paul A. Soukup, Santa Clara University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Sheed and Ward/Rowman & Littlefield

This essay explores the ways in which the form of communication affects the content of communication-how the choice of word determines the thought-with special emphasis on theology. Its purpose is pragmatic: How can we, today, concretely reflect on communicative form in such a way as to improve the teaching and the practice of theology? The essay moves in three steps: First come some general comments on communicative form, bolstered by an historical review of the clearest form-content influences; next follow some remarks on contemporary communicative style and form; finally, some brainstorming about theological disciplines and communication concludes the essay.

Chapter of
Media, culture, and Catholicism
P. A. Soukup

Copyright © 1996 Sheed and Ward. Reprinted and reproduced by permission of Rowman & Littlefield. All rights reserved. Please contact the publisher for permission to copy, distribute or reprint.

Citation Information
Soukup, Paul A. (1996). Communicative form and theological style. In P. A. Soukup (Ed.), Media, culture, and Catholicism (pp. 55-66). Kansas City: Sheed and Ward.