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Teaching Presence
The Learning Curve (2008)
  • Patrick R. Lowenthal, Regis University
  • Tina Parscal, Regis University
Faculty often describe the role of the online teacher as more of a “guide-on- the-side” rather than a “sage-on-the-stage.” However, this cliché can be taken to extremes; there is a fine line between being a guide on the side and being absent. Therefore, this article focuses on different strategies online faculty can use to improve their teaching and ultimately student learning by balancing their teaching presence when teaching online.
  • Teaching Presence,
  • Social Presence,
  • Online Learning,
  • Teaching Online,
  • Community of Inquiry,
  • Discussions,
  • eLearning
Publication Date
Citation Information
Patrick R. Lowenthal and Tina Parscal. "Teaching Presence" The Learning Curve Vol. 3 Iss. 4 (2008)
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