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The Biological Sediment Tolerance Index: Assessing fine sediments conditions in Oregon streams using macroinvertebrates
Ecological Indicators (2016)
  • Shannon Hubler, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
  • David D. Huff, NOAA Fisheries
  • Patrick Michael Edwards, Portland State University
  • Yangdong Pan, Portland State University
Fine sediments in excess of natural background conditions are one of most globally common causes of stream degradation, with well documented impacts on aquatic communities. The lack of agreement on methods for monitoring fine sediments makes it difficult to share data, limiting assessments of stream conditions across jurisdictions. We present a model that circumvents these limitations by inferring fine sediments in Oregon streams through sampling of macroinvertebrates. Tolerances to fine sediments (<0.06mm diameter) were calculated for 240 macroinvertebrate taxa, from a calibration dataset of 446 sites across Oregon, as well as an independent validation dataset of 50 samples. Weighted averaging methods were used to infer fine sediment levels in streams by weighting the tolerances of modeled taxa observed in a sample by their abundances. The final model, the Biological Sediment Tolerance Index (BSTI), showed a strong relationship to measured fine sediments (calibration r2=0.49, validation r2=0.58). Root-mean-squared-error was small in the calibration dataset (2% fines), but larger in the validation dataset (14% fines). Repeatability was assessed by examining variability in BSTI at 14 sites across Oregon. Because field methods for sampling macroinvertebrates are standardized across resource agencies in Oregon and the responses of macroinvertebrates represent the actual effects of fine sediments on stream ecosystems, the BSTI may offer water resource managers’ a cost-effective method for assessing fine sediment conditions in their ongoing efforts to improve water quality across the state.
  • Fine sediments,
  • Macroinvertebrates -- Tolerances,
  • Weighted averaging
Publication Date
April, 2016
Publisher Statement
To the best of our knowledge, this work was authored as part of the Contributor's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government.

Citation Information
Hubler, S., Huff, D. D., Edwards, P., & Pan, Y. (2016). The Biological Sediment Tolerance Index: Assessing fine sediments conditions in Oregon streams using macroinvertebrates. Ecological Indicators, 67, 132–145.