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Session 1a: Air Sensors: Citizen Science Tools for Environmental Educators
Professional Learning Day
  • Weiss
  • Patrick Young, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
Session 1
Room A110
Grade Level
Grade Levels: 4-12
Start Date
2-3-2018 10:00 AM
End Date
2-3-2018 10:50 AM

This session will outline the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) program to loan out handheld air-quality sensors for use by educators of 4-12 grade students. EPA will explain the procedure to request and use air sensor equipment on a short-term basis through a loan program with EPA’s Chicago Regional Office. This monitoring provides real-time information and can supplement understanding of air pollution in communities. Because the environmental sensors are user-friendly, portable, and able to measure conditions at a local scale, they are ripe for use by environmental educators to bring air quality topics to life and by students to achieve tangible environmental benefits. The session will include a slide presentation followed by a hands-on demonstration

Citation Information
Weiss and Patrick Young. "Session 1a: Air Sensors: Citizen Science Tools for Environmental Educators" (2018)
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