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One Click to Criminal Justice
Online (2002)
  • Patricia Fravel Vander Meer, Western Michigan University
Intertwined with most disciplines, criminal justice (CJ) interests nearly everyone in some way, some place, and at some time. This article lists and highlights a sampling of critical or unique Web sites for a varied audience seeking CJ information. This includes professionals in CJ, law, and the government, as well as students, educators, librarians, and the general public. Types of sites featured include: 1. gateways, 2. statistical data and research, 3. monographic research materials, 4. periodical research materials, 5. legal information, 6. current events/popular interest, 7. careers, employment, professional development, and 8. instructor/trainer support for Web-based instruction.
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Citation Information
Patricia Fravel Vander Meer. "One Click to Criminal Justice" Online Vol. 26 (2002)
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