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Modeling of Diffusivity for 2D Vacancy Nanopits and Comparison with 2D Adatom Nanoislands on Metal(100) Surfaces Including Analysis for Ag(100)
Ames Laboratory Accepted Manuscripts
  • King C. Lai, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Da-Jiang Liu, Ames Laboratory
  • Patricia A. Thiel, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • James W. Evans, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
Publication Date
Ames Laboratory; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry
Report Number
IS-J 9530
Journal Title
Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Diffusion coefficients, DN, for 2D vacancy nanopits are compared with those for 2D homoepitaxial adatom nanoislands on metal(100) surfaces, focusing on the variation of DN with size, N. Here, Nis measured in missing atoms for pits and adatoms for islands. Analysis of DN is based on kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of a tailored stochastic lattice-gas model, where pit and island diffusion are mediated by periphery diffusion, i.e., by edge atom hopping. Precise determination of DNversus N for typical parameters reveals a cyclical variation with an overall decrease in magnitude for increasing moderate O(102) ≤ N ≤ O(103). Monotonic decay, DN ∼ N, is found for N ≥ O(102) with effective exponents, β = βeff, for both pits and islands, both well below the macroscopic value of βmacro = 3/2. DN values for vacancy pits are significantly lower (higher) than for adatom islands for moderate N in the case of low (high) kink rounding barrier. However, DN values for pits and islands slowly merge, and βeff → 3/2 for sufficiently large N. The latter feature is expected from continuum Langevin formulations appropriate for large sizes. We compare predictions from our model incorporating appropriate energetic parameters for Ag(100) with different sets of experimental data for diffusivity at 300 K, including assessment of βeff, for experimentally observed sizes N from ∼100 to ∼1000.

DOE Contract Number(s)
AC02-07CH11358; CHE-1507223
Iowa State University Digital Repository, Ames IA (United States)
Citation Information
King C. Lai, Da-Jiang Liu, Patricia A. Thiel and James W. Evans. "Modeling of Diffusivity for 2D Vacancy Nanopits and Comparison with 2D Adatom Nanoislands on Metal(100) Surfaces Including Analysis for Ag(100)" (2018)
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