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Brief of Amici Curiae Law Professors in Support of Appellant on the Role of Bankruptcy Examiners in Chapter 11 Reorganization
Vara v. FTX Trading Ltd.
  • Pamela Foohey, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
Document Type
Amicus Brief
Publication Date

Amici curiae, whose biographical information appears on Appendix A (“Amici”), are professors at law schools in the Third Circuit and around the nation. They study and write extensively about bankruptcy and related business law subjects. Their work has appeared in many of the nation’s leading academic journals, and includes path-breaking scholarship on the use of bankruptcy examiners in freefall and cryptocurrency cases.

Amici share a commitment to the transparent and efficient administration of the chapter 11 system, and a belief that the interest of the public and creditors in this large and notorious chapter 11 case must be vindicated by an independent examination as contemplated by Congress in section 1104(c) of the United States Bankruptcy Code.

The parties to this appeal have consented to the filing of this brief amicus curiae.

Citation Information
Pamela Foohey. "Brief of Amici Curiae Law Professors in Support of Appellant on the Role of Bankruptcy Examiners in Chapter 11 Reorganization" Vara v. FTX Trading Ltd. (2023)
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