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About Pamela K. Morris

Pamela K. Morris has spent over 18 years in advertising and marketing communications and has worked in account management for Foot Cone & Belding, Los Angeles, and DraftWorldwide, Chicago. Morris has also worked at regional agencies and business and was involved in the production of 100s of television commercials. Her love of the field led her to pursue a Ph.D. in Mass Communications at the Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University, New York. She also has an MBA from California State University, Long Beach, Calif.
Morris has taught courses in visual communication, literacy and advertising at several universities—Syracuse University; the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.; De Paul University, Chicago; Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Ill.—and received teaching awards. She has also introduced new courses with experimental pedagogical design to reflect advertising’s interdisciplinary nature. Design for Advertising/Public Relations and Multimedia Commercial Production for Advertising/Public Relations are both team taught with specialists from the related fields. Morris’ research on these classes received Top Teaching Paper Award by the Advertising Division at AEJMC’s Annual Conference in August 2013.
Her research focus is on advertising visuals and the relationship between these images and culture. Morris has published work on gender in print and outdoor advertising around the globe and completed other research work on new media images, organizations and international campaigns.
In addition to the publications listed here, details of selected studies and other advertising images can be seen at her website:


Present Associate Professor, Loyola University Chicago School of Communication
Present Program Director of Advertising/Public Relations, Loyola University Chicago School of Communication

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Contact Information

School of Communication
Lewis Towers 904
Chicago, IL 60611
