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Engaging ≠ Engagement: Assessing Students' Behaviors Following Gamified Orientation
41st Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience
  • Katie Strand, Utah State University
  • Makenzie Boatright, Utah State University
  • Pamela N. Martin, Utah State University
Document Type
Orlando, FL
Publication Date

What do students retain from first-year workshops? In fall 2019, Utah State University Libraries assessed our interactive orientation when it became optional rather than required for USU’s first-year seminar, creating two populations to study, participants and nonparticipants. By convening focus groups and analyzing campus data, we investigated if the orientation helped freshmen engage with library spaces, services, and materials. Findings revealed workshop strengths and weaknesses, as well as broader student preferences, behaviors, and expectations. Join librarians and students to discuss first-year students’ anxieties and needs concerning not only the library, but also campus belonging and student independence.

Citation Information
Strand, K., Boatright, M., & Martin, P. “Engaging ≠ Engagement: Assessing students’ behaviors following gamified orientation.” Presentation at 41st Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience, Orlando, FL, February 2022