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Compare and Contrast: Rhetorical Strategies in Edmond de Goncourt's Japonsime
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (2009)
  • Pamela J. Warner, University of Rhode Island

Studies of Japonisme have usually assumed a simple relationship of difference between Japanese and French art and culture, but Edmond de Goncourt's writing is remarkable for the number of comparisons he makes between France and Japan. This essay considers the influence of positivism on Goncourt’s assertions, looking also at how Goncourt's Japonisme extended arguments he made in the 1860s against French academic art.

  • Edmond de Goncourt,
  • Japonisme
Publication Date
Spring 2009
Citation Information
Warner, Pamela J. "Compare and Contrast: Rhetorical Strategies in Edmond de Goncourt's Japonsime." Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 8 (2009).