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The Seeking of Baby-Feeding Information by Canadian Women Pregnant with Twins
  • Pamela J. McKenzie, University of Western Ontario
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Objective: to analyse baby-feeding information needs and seeking described by Canadian women pregnant with twins. Design, setting, and participants: in-depth semi-structured interviews with 19 pregnant women were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts provided the data for discourse analysis of the use of two interpretative repertoires. Measurements and findings: the first interpretative repertoire represented caring for twins as fundamentally distinct from caring for singly-born children and therefore emphasised the commonality of mothers of twins regardless of their background or situation. The second highlighted the uniqueness and individuality of each person. These repertoires intersect with discourses of baby- feeding and good mothering, resulting in a complex discursive interplay of similarity and difference, commonality and individuality, information seeking, baby-feeding and good mothering. Participants used the two interpretative repertoires to a) frame information needs; b) construct complex accounts of the biomedical, experiential, and personalised authority of information sources, c) describe the helpfulness of information sources independent of their authority; and d) describe the barriers encountered in the finding appropriate sources of babyfeeding information antenatally. Implications: understanding and respecting the discursive constructions of pregnancy and mothering can help practitioners understand the complex discursive interplay underlying participants’ baby-feeding decisions and may facilitate more sensitive support for women’s individual needs and understandings.

Pamela J. McKenzie Midwifery, Vol. 22, Issue 3, p218–227 Published in issue: September 2006
Citation Information
Pamela J. McKenzie. "The Seeking of Baby-Feeding Information by Canadian Women Pregnant with Twins" Midwifery Vol. 22 Iss. 3 (2006) p. 218 - 227
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