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The Resident VIEW in Community- Based Care Residential Settings
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
  • Diana L. White, Portland State University
  • Ozcan Tunalilar, Portland State University
  • Serena Hasworth, Portland State University
  • Jaclyn Winfree, Portland State University
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Publication Date
  • Assisted Living

The Resident VIEW is a measure of person-centered care (PCC) from residents’ perspectives and was previously studied in nursing homes. The current study presents descriptive data for the Resident VIEW in community-based care settings including assisted living, residential care (AL/RC), and adult foster homes (AFH). Using a two-stage sampling design, we recruited 31 AL/RC and 119 AFH in Oregon and completed face-to-face structured interviews with 227 and 195 residents, respectively. Residents provided ratings for both the importance of and their experience with 66 items that tapped into PCC practices in eight domains. Results are provided for each item, many of which are significantly associated with greater quality of life, better resident satisfaction, and fewer depressive symptoms, especially in the domains of personalized care and being treated like a person. Incongruence between importance and experience ratings indicate many residents experience unmet needs across multiple domains. The Resident VIEW performed well in different types of settings, providing an important tool for researchers and providers who wish to learn about the PCC experience from residents’ points of view.


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Citation Information
White, D. L., Tunalilar, O., Hasworth, S., & Winfree, J. (2022). The Resident VIEW in Community-Based Care Residential Settings. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 8, 23337214221139367.