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The Effects of Click and Tone-Burst Stimulus Parameters on the Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (vemp)
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
  • Faith W. Akin, East Tennessee State University
  • Owen D. Murnane, East Tennessee State University
  • Tina M. Proffitt, East Tennessee State University
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Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) are short latency electromyograms (EMG) evoked by high-level acoustic stimuli and recorded from surface electrodes over the tonically contracted sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle and are presumed to originate in the saccule. The present experiments examined the effects of click and tone-burst level and stimulus frequency on the latency, amplitude, and threshold of the VEMP in subjects with normal hearing sensitivity and no history of vestibular disease. VEMPs were recorded in all subjects using 100 dB nHL click stimuli. Most subjects had VEMPs present at 500, 750, and 1000 Hz, and few subjects had VEMPs present at 2000 Hz. The response amplitude of the VEMP increased with click and tone-burst level, whereas VEMP latency was not influenced by the stimulus level. The largest tone-burst-evoked VEMPs and lowest thresholds were obtained at 500 and 750 Hz. VEMP latency was independent of stimulus frequency when tone-burst duration was held constant.

Citation Information
Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane and Tina M. Proffitt. "The Effects of Click and Tone-Burst Stimulus Parameters on the Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (vemp)" Journal of the American Academy of Audiology Vol. 14 Iss. 9 (2003) p. 500 - 509 ISSN: 2157-3107
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