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John Henry Newman on Mystery as a Hermeneutical Problem
Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Faculty Publications
  • Ono Ekeh, Sacred Heart University
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

John Henry Newman believed that all Christian doctrines must be accessible to all Christian believers, both the intellectually sophisticated and the uneducated. This implied that the intellectually simple must be able to apprehend and assent to mysteries, such as that of the Trinity. This paper discussion what Newman understood by the idea of mystery. Mystery for Newman was primarily a hermeneutical problem. Mystery was a result of the human incapacity and inability to grasp the fullness of truth. In Newman, the hermeneutical problematic is one of limitations of language thus leading to submission of intellect to a sublime truth.

Citation Information

Ekeh, O. (2014). John Henry Newman on mystery as a hermeneutical problem. New Blackfriars 96(1061), 74-89. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2005.2010.01389.x