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Grid Code Requirements for Connecting Solar Power Plants to Electricity Networks in Egypt
Keynote Lecture IV, the 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON), Menoufia University, Egypt, 19-21 December 2017. (2017)
  • Omar H. Abdalla
A Grid Code is a document that contains a set of rules and procedures to regulate technical and legal relationship between a transmission system operator (TSO) and users of the transmission grid. The objective is to establish the obligations and responsibilities of each party; i.e. the TSO and all grid users such as power generating plants, distribution utilities and directly connected bulk industrial customers. This will lead to maintain optimal operation, safety and reliability of the power system. In distribution power grids, a Distribution Code is similarly applied. With the increasing penetration levels of renewable energy sources into electric power grids, utilities have introduced special requirements for the connection of renewable power plants to the grid. Particular attention is given here to large-scale and medium-scale solar power plants. Technical requirements of connecting these renewable sources to the grids (transmission or distribution) should be clearly understandable by all parties to correctly implement the rules and procedures described in the connection codes.
The objective is to provide the attendees with basic information on the technical design specifications and criteria, technical terms and equipment parameters appeared in the solar plants grid connection codes. For example, power quality definitions, measures and their cause and impact on the system as referred to in the codes will be discussed and explained. The technical specifications include permitted voltage and frequency variations in addition to power quality measures such as limits of harmonic distortion, phase unbalance, and flickers. Solar generating units operational limits, capability requirements, active power and frequency control, reactive power and AVR, power factor, grid protection, etc. will be explained and discussed.
  • Solar energy,
  • PV power plants,
  • Grid connection codes,
  • Technical requirements and criteria,
  • Electricity networks,
  • Power quality
Publication Date
December 19, 2017
DOI: 10.1109/MEPCON.2017.8301151
Citation Information
O. H. Abdalla: “Grid Code Requirements for Connecting Solar Power Plants to Electricity Networks in Egypt”, Keynote Lecture IV, the 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON), Menoufia University, Egypt, 19-21 December 2017.