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Contribution to Book
Viewing the International Labour Organization’s Social Justice Praxis Through a Third World Approaches to International Law Lens: Some Preliminary Insights
ILO 100: Law for Social Justice
  • Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
  • Titilayo Adebola
  • Basema Al-Alami
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

The overarching objective of this paper is to shine a Third World

Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) torchlight on the ILO’s social

justice discourse and praxis to find out what can be seen, or seen in a new

light, or seen in a different way, when the TWAIL approach is adopted,

and to comment on the significance of our findings, if any. To this end,

the paper pursues two specific and intertwined goals, namely: (i) to analytically

tease out the similarities and differences between TWAIL’s avowedly

(global) social justice discourse and praxis and its ILO counterpart; and (ii)

to, in the light of the findings of the preceding exercise, reflect on what (if

anything) the ILO’s and TWAIL’s social justice discourses and praxis can

learn from each other.

Citation Information
Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Titilayo Adebola and Basema Al-Alami. "Viewing the International Labour Organization’s Social Justice Praxis Through a Third World Approaches to International Law Lens: Some Preliminary Insights" ILO 100: Law for Social Justice (2019)
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