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Optimal Law Enforcement and Criminal Organization
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2007)
  • Nuno Garoupa
In this paper, we study the organizational consequences of product
illegality. Severe punishment reduces the dimension of a criminal network,
but it might augment the effectiveness of its members. Smaller
firms are easier to manage, and consequently fewer mistakes are committed,
which in turn diminishes the likelihood of detection. Hence a less severe
enforcement of the law could be considered in order to achieve optimal deterrence. We also show that the allocation of sanctions between employer and employees is not unimportant as previous literature indicated.
  • organized crime,
  • sanctions,
  • principal-agent model
Publication Date
Citation Information
Nuno Garoupa. "Optimal Law Enforcement and Criminal Organization" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol. 63 Iss. 3 (2007) p. 461 - 474
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