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Racial Politics and Racial Self Identification
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (2017)
  • Nolan L Cabrera
This study examines the relationship between Arizona’s anti-Latina/o policies and changing patterns of racial self-identification for students at the University of Arizona. Using institutional data and the university’s Entering Student Survey, we explored trends in racial/ethnic self-identification between two cohorts of students: one before and one after the summer of 2010 (passage of SB1070, HB2281, and Proposition 107). Descriptive analyses revealed that both White and Latina/o students declined to state a racial/ethnic background at substantially higher rates after the passages of the bills. After the passage of the legislation, Latina/os used “Mexican” identifiers at substantially lower rates and “White” identifiers at substantially higher rates. Implications are discussed for racial/ethnic self-identification and higher education practice. 
Publication Date
Citation Information
Cabrera, N. L., & Holliday, M. R. (2017). Racial politics and racial identity: A case study of Arizona, 2010-2011. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 39(2), 131-149. DOI: 10.1177/0739986317700417