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Targets but not victims: Latina/o College Students and Arizona’s Racial Politics
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education (2015)
  • Nolan L Cabrera, University of Arizona
  • Julian J Mendez

This study examines the experiences of 18 Latina/o students attending the University of Arizona in the wake of SB 1070 (anti-immigrant) and HB 2281 (anti-Mexican American Studies). Students experienced a hostile campus climate; however, many channeled their frustrations into political engagement. Findings indicate that despite anti-Latina/o legislation and a hostile campus racial climate, students do not necessarily become racial victims. Practitioners should create opportunities for students to engage in dialogue, which critically analyzes racial policies.

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Citation Information
Mendez, J. J., & Cabrera, N. L. (2015). Targets but not victims: Latina/o students and Arizona’s racial politics. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 14(4), 377-391. DOI: 10.1177/1538192715575371