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Dense Breast Imaging Detection and Image-guided Oncologic Treatment
Imaging Technology News (ITN online) (2021)
  • Noelle L Cutter, Ph.D., Molloy College
  • Robert L Bard
In 2014, Imaging Technology News (ITN) introduced breast cancer survivor-turned-crusader Nancy Cappello, Ph.D., and her story about having dense breast tissue leading to a late-stage cancer. A false negative mammography scan (diagnosed in 2004) concealed a large 2.5 cm suspicious lesion, which was later confirmed to be stage 3c breast cancer. This same cancer had metastasized to 13 lymph nodes. This sparked Cappello to create the “Are You Dense?” Foundation — an international awareness crusade to better support dense breast diagnostics and initiatives to pass legislation to enact laws requiring mammography centers to inform patients about their breast density and the associated cancer risks. Cappello passed away on Nov. 15, 2018, from secondary myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a bone marrow cancer that was a complication of her prior aggressive breast cancer treatments. But she ignited a legacy of fighting for improved policies, imaging technologies and advanced research to better address this health crisis that puts the estimated 40 percent of the female population (women with dense breasts) at risk of a false negative reading.
Publication Date
November 9, 2021
Citation Information
Noelle L Cutter and Robert L Bard. "Dense Breast Imaging Detection and Image-guided Oncologic Treatment" Imaging Technology News (ITN online) (2021)
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