E-Marketing: The Library Perspective
International Journal of Library Science and Information Management (IJLSIM)
The power of “E” helps marketing by anyone, form anywhere and anytime in just a mouse click. E-Marketing refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange. Generally libraries are provided free service but some special services/products need to be marketed through exchange of price for its fund which helps towards its growth and development. In E-Marketing efforts, libraries need to be serve through electronic/online media for user satisfactory services in basis of cost, time, place etc., because only satisfied users come back again and again and dissatisfied users will find some other suppliers of information to meet their information need. The concept of e-marketing of library services is still not fully understood by many librarians. To consciously practice marketing librarians have to be convinced that marketing is good for libraries. They should be aware that marketing definitely improves and increases the effectiveness of libraries. Each library needs to identify the primary target markets and the composition of needs that it would like to serve as its key constituency. E-marketing will be a successful business model for libraries. E-marketing of information product and services will be essential for libraries very soon and the value of Library and Information Science Professionals will be bright and trained as Information managers of E-marketing efforts.
- digital,
- electronic,
- library user,
- service,
- e-commerce,
- e-market,
- B2B,
- B2C
Publication Date
Winter January 31, 2017
Citation Information
Niranjan Mohapatra. "E-Marketing: The Library Perspective" International Journal of Library Science and Information Management (IJLSIM) Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (2017) p. 34 - 43 ISSN: 2454-910X (online) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/niranjan_mohapatra/2/