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Pyrame and Thisbé: Lost in a "Minimalist" World
Actes de Las Vegas: Théorie Dramatique, Théophile de Viau, Les Contes de Fées
  • Nina Ekstein, Trinity University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

Discussions of Les Amours tragiques de Pyrame et Thisbé generally center on the eponymous couple. Young star-crossed lovers, opposed by all who surround them, doomed to death, Pyrame and Thisbé belong to a long tradition in Western literature. What I believe merits greater attention is the dramatic world in which the lovers' tragedy unfolds. The young couple occupies the center of the play, but Thisbé and Pyrame seem curiously out of place in, and at odds with, their environment in all its particulars, from characters to objects to scenic space. The two characters are lost in the dramatic universe of Les Amours tragiques de Pyrame et Thisbé.

Marie-France Hilgar
Biblio 17
Citation Information
Ekstein, N. (1991). Pyrame et Thisbé: Lost in a "minimalist" world. In M.-F. Hilgar (Ed.), Actes de Las Vegas: Théorie dramatique, Théophile de Viau, Les Contes de fées (pp. 131-135). Biblio 17.