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I Never Wanted to Write About Trump
The Public (2018)
  • Michael I Niman, Ph.D.
I never saw myself writing gossip columns. I never read them. They bore me. There are just too many interesting things going on in the world to give a damn or have any curiosity about the tedious superficial lives of rich, famous narcissists who are only famous because they’re rich.
I never in my life bought a copy of the New York Post or read a full page of the National Enquirer. Yet, the Trump family forced its way into my childhood.
“Trump” was an early entry in my geographic lexicon, following another one syllable word, “Bronx,” as in The Bronx
  • Trump,
  • Asshole,
  • The Bronx,
  • Brooklyn,
  • Fascism
Publication Date
March 25, 2018
Citation Information
Michael I Niman. "I Never Wanted to Write About Trump" The Public (2018)
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