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Popular Press
I Will Not Speak Kindly of the Dead: George H. W. Bush Was Detestable
Truthout (2019)
  • Michael I Niman, Ph.D.
Today, as we prepare to bury the nation’s 41st president, George H.W. Bush, the American press corps is carrying on this tradition, eulogizing him primarily by celebrating his polite demeanor and his successful self-representation of civility. Yes, the 41st president presented as a nicer person than the 45th, or his son, the 43rd. But for the people whose countries or lives were destroyed by his violent actions, he’ll always be a monster. Sanitizing his story amounts to historical revisionism. Below are just eight of the many reasons why, beneath the civility, George H.W. Bush was a detestable president.
  • George H W Bush,
  • Willie Horton,
  • Panama Invasion,
  • War on Drugs,
  • October Surprise,
  • Iran-Contr
Publication Date
December 4, 2019
Citation Information
Michael I Niman. "I Will Not Speak Kindly of the Dead: George H. W. Bush Was Detestable" Truthout (2019)
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