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6 Scary Extreme Energy Sources Being Tapped to Fuel the Post Peak Oil Economy
Alternet (2012)
  • Michael I Niman, Ph.D., Buffalo State College
In a few short years the term “fracking” went from obscurity, mostly mistaken for an obscenity, to a household word, now often associated with flammable tap water. The technology is not new, but the market conditions that make such reckless forays deep into the earth’s crust profitable, are new. Welcome to the post peak oil energy economy. What’s online to follow fracking is even scarier.
  • fracking,
  • peak oil,
  • addiction
Publication Date
April 15, 2012
Citation Information
Michael I Niman. "6 Scary Extreme Energy Sources Being Tapped to Fuel the Post Peak Oil Economy" Alternet (2012)
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