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Development of MnBi permanent magnet: Neutron diffraction of MnBi powder
Journal of Applied Physics
  • J. Cui, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • J. P. Choi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • G. Li, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • E. Polikarpov, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • J. Darsell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Matthew J. Kramer, Iowa State University
  • Nikolai A. Zarkevich, Iowa State University
  • Linlin Wang, Iowa State University
  • Duane D. Johnson, Iowa State University
  • M. Marinescu, Electron Energy Corporation
  • Q. Z. Huang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • N. V. Vuong, University of Texas at Arlington
  • J. Ping Liu, University of Texas at Arlington
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Publication Version
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MnBi attracts great attention in recent years for its great potential as permanent magnetmaterials. MnBi phase is difficult to obtain because of the rather drastic peritectic reaction between Mn and Bi. In this paper, we report our effort on synthesizing high purity MnBi compound using conventional powder metallurgical approaches. Neutron diffraction was carried out to investigate the crystal and nuclear structure of the obtained powder. The result shows that the purity of the obtained powder is about 91 wt. % at 300 K, and the magnetic moment of the Mn atom in MnBi lattice is 4.424 and 4.013 μ B at 50 K and 300 K, respectively.


The following article appeared in J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17A743 (2014);

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American Institute of Physics
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Citation Information
J. Cui, J. P. Choi, G. Li, E. Polikarpov, et al.. "Development of MnBi permanent magnet: Neutron diffraction of MnBi powder" Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 115 Iss. 17 (2014) p. 17A743
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